The Royal Chundu Bee Series ? ? Homeschool Lesson #57 ~ Making Golden Honey Milk ?

As part of our exploration of bees and all things honey we have been inspired by local Zambian honey producers, Zambezi Gold and especially their many lessons in the healthy and inventive ways to incorporate honey into your life. Hair masks, lip balms, shaving creams, drinks…

We tried out a few favourites, starting with Zambezi Gold’s Golden Honey Milk! Take a look at the ingredients and make your own healthy and delicious drink for any time of the day, filled with natural ingredients.

You can add ice for hot days or warm up the milk for cooler days.

Forest Fruits Ltd. with its Zambezi Gold are “Zambia’s leading producer of certified organic honey and beeswax, and the largest single exporter of honey on the African Continent.”

They employ 50 full-time staff and 30 seasonal workers in addition to out-growers, most of whom are based in Mwinilunga, North-Western Province. They work with 7,000 traditional beekeepers living in remote forests through an out-growers system that includes training and extension services. “We are committed to improving the income of beekeepers in a sustainable way, enhancing the quality of lives, and assisting people in growing their rural income sources.”

Share your milk-making magic with us! #royalchunduhomeschool