A village means family. Support. Help. Hugs. Soccer opponents. Extra hands in the garden. Babysitters. A village makes light work of that which you would struggle to do alone. It makes the time fly when you’re cooking for many mouths. It means song and dance from many beating hands and feet while you work. A village means smiles, the chatter and laughter that make you forget your worries. Our village is life, inspiration, purpose.
Our Village in Photographs
There are two villages right next to our lodge – the agricultural Malambo village and the fishing-centric Muluka village. Here is a look at the Malambo village. Join us awhile…

In many parts of the world, villages and community living as we know it have been eroded, passed on for more independent living, a focus on the individual. But in the remote reaches of our Zambezi river here in Zambia, the village is everything. We are never alone. There are always shoulders to lean on, ears to burn with hot gossip, eyes to watch over you and your loved ones, hands to help you on the path.
Living largely off the land and river, we work together. We share our garden, we share our crops, we trade and help where we can. Sometimes lazy grandsons need a little extra prodding to lend a hand, but many can be seen supporting a whole family.
When we cry, we feel the pain together and when we celebrate, it is a victory for all. Village life lessens the burden but it does mean a few other things too… like learning to compromise, surrender, share, to step back or step up. It forces us to consider others because the wellbeing of the community is the wellbeing of our selves.
Through nights praying for the heavens to open and shed their oceans over our seeds, we sit together, one fire between us. Through the feast of parrotfish when the river provides, we dance together around one pot.
This is our village. Our inspiration and our purpose.