Royal Chundu Letters | 15 Years

Yoga For Trees

My name is Royal Chundu.These are my thoughts, through the rain and sun, in the quiet and noise.I’ve been on a path of learning this year. Three months of epiphanies. Perhaps because I’m fifteen years wise. Maybe it’s something in the water.Some years start as they end, in a slight…

For The Explorer

A Feeling of Home on the Zambezi

There are things we can only fully understand when we experience them for ourselves, like raising a child, watching your newborn sleep, and your five-year-old run down hills, flailing limbs carelessly. Seeing that same child driving, waving to you as they sit at the steering wheel of their first car.…


The Royal Chundu Village

A village means family. Support. Help. Hugs. Soccer opponents. Extra hands in the garden. Babysitters. A village makes light work of that which you would struggle to do alone. It makes the time fly when you’re cooking for many mouths. It means song and dance from many beating hands and…

Tailor-Made Tours featuring Royal Chundu

Let us help you plan your African itinerary. Enquire now or call us directly:  +27 21 469 2652

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