Join us in giving food leftovers from the kitchen a second chance at life ~ in Royal Chundu Homeschool Lesson #24!

Planting food waste is a magical, fun and purposeful process of creating something new from something old.

It helps to reduce the waste we create on Earth, to cut food costs as we start to grow our own food, and it teaches us about the essentials of soil, sun and water and the active role – for better or worse – that we play on the planet.

There are many different vegetables, fruits and herbs that you can regrow into delicious new crops for your home.

Here are a few trials and lessons from our own #royalchunduhomeschool experimenting!

Gather and grow!

Reduce, reuse and recycle with us and share your planting homework for us to see and be inspired by! #royalchunduhomeschool @royalchundu