
A Taste of Zambia

A Taste of Zambia

A Taste of Moringa ~ the Zambian Superfood

Image: treesforlifeinternational In our Zambian tasting menu, our moveable feast through Zambia in several courses, you’ll taste an ingredient that’s rather special. You might not know it at the time, but we’ll tell you. Of course. And then it will be hard to miss. It’s moringa and you’ll find it in our…

A Taste of Zambia

The Baobab Effect

Leaves dry and pale like the pages of an old book line the path leading through the island’s trees. An island in the Zambezi. It is dry season and the heat has cast a mellow peace all about. As the light fades and the songs of the birds quieten, we are…

A Taste of Zambia

A Moveable Feast Through Zambia

We have launched a special Zambian-style feast for our new multi-course tasting menu. Consider it a culinary adventure along our riverbank and through our greater national terroir, an honouring of the families living here today and the generations before them, and a celebration of our team of local chefs and waiters and their favourite tastes, textures,…

A Taste of Zambia

10 Rules to Throwing One Fine Picnic

When it comes to picnics, our approach is a little Jane Austen 19th century style meets a Wind in the Willows setting (sunlit riverside days on a grassy bank) and lavishness… Think of Ratty’s offering of: ‘coldtonguecoldhamcoldbeefpickledgherkinssaladfrenchrollscresssandwiches pottedmeatgingerbeerlemonadesodawater- ‘ There are times when we too echo Mole’s subsequent cries of, ‘O stop, stop. This is too much!”…

Tailor-Made Tours featuring Royal Chundu

Let us help you plan your African itinerary. Enquire now or call us directly:  +27 21 469 2652

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