There are times when the silence is exactly what we need, the stillness of a quiet home in the heat of the afternoon when books are taken up and hammocks call to us from under the shade of a waterberry tree. There are times when talking takes over, when the…
In Lesson #11 of the Royal Chundu Homeschool, we look to the stars! “A still more glorious dawn awaits, not a sunrise but a galaxy-rise, a morning filled with 400 billion suns, the rising of the milky way.” ~ Carl Sagan There is nothing quite like gawking up at the…
Behind the exteriors of the world’s trees there beats the heart of a superhero. Among the largest and oldest living organisms on the planet, trees are able to warn one another of approaching danger and mount a defence. In certain cases, they are able to send their armies to fight…
Lesson 6 in the Royal Chundu Homeschool Sometimes we need to be gently nudged or outright pushed into taking time to be still and to focus on the simple joys. We’ve being paying these little quiet pleasures so much quality time in the last few weeks and learning new tricks…
Lesson One! Learning a new language takes time, dedication, curiosity. Some dialects are particularly harder than others – sometimes our tongues just won’t do what we tell them to do, our mouths just cannot figure out how to roll that “r”, how to create the correct click or intonation, or…
Let’s go back in time for a moment… 50 years ago, we ventured to the moon for the very first time and Martin Luther King Jr. shared his great dream. 40 years ago, Grease was the word and CNN was born. 30 years ago, Nelson Mandela was released after 27…