“Salad days” – definition: a Shakespearean idiomatic expression to refer to a youthful time, accompanied by the enthusiasm, idealism or innocence that one associates with a young person. A more modern use, especially in the United States, refers to a heyday, a period when somebody was at the peak of their…
And by heaven we mean Royal Chundu… In celebration of World Gin Day on Saturday 11 June, we deem today until this Sunday… Gin o’ Clock! As in Mitch Albom’s book, The Five People You Meet in Heaven, we’re going to introduce you to the five types of gins you will…
“No one who cooks, cooks alone. Even at her most solitary, a cook in the kitchen is surrounded by generations of cooks past, the advice and menus of cooks present, the wisdom of cookbook writers.” ― Laurie Colwin The kitchens of Royal Chundu are the perfect example of this. At…
If holidays mean anything it is reprieve – from the daily routine, from single egg breakfasts and dinner on the run. It is a call upon the senses, a call to wake up to that spice of life we call variety, and what better place to reawaken your sense of taste,…
The Art of Dining We aspire to serve dishes that you won’t find anywhere else in the world, dishes with a distinctly Zambian flavour served in a setting few others have access to… Our guest, Annabel Hughes captures this in a piece about her stay with us in The Cook’s Cook, a…
The spirit of Zambia is both wild and graceful. It rouses as much as it calms and it is all-embracing – it speaks to romantics, birders, adventure seekers, to every facet of the human spirit itself. As a destination, Zambia creates many varied experiences for the travellers of the world. From our setting on the…