For The Explorer

The Heavenliness of the Devil’s Pool

A pool at the edge of the world called from afar. Travellers called it the Devil’s Pool and showed off their photographs of the brilliant sight every time the words “bucket list” came up in conversation. The Devil’s Pool… an intimidating natural infinity pool at the edge of the Victoria Falls, where…

Zambezi Life

The Animals You’ll Meet on the Zambezi

“Some people talk to animals. Not many listen though. That’s the problem,” said A.A. Milne, Winnie the Pooh creator and general man of underrated wisdom. In our remote setting on the Zambezi, we often see more animal life than human. There are a few major cities along the river, but, mostly, the population…


Keep Calm & Curry on | A Recipe

After a stay with us at Royal Chundu, one of our guests sent us a request over email… “Just got home and really want the aubergine curry recipe! Best food I had to eat in 2 weeks!! Thanks!” She wrote. This blog is for her, as well as for the other guests we…

Royal Chundu News

The Royal Chundu Soulful River Retreat

“Some things scratch the surface while others strike at your soul.” ― Gianna Perada There is nothing as exciting as the moment an epiphany strikes. Suddenly, all is clear. Obvious. The answer to questions you didn’t know you harboured appear and refuse to be silenced. Since I learned the word “epiphany” – as…

For The Explorer

What To Pack For Your River Safari

Royal Chundu is unique in that it is part safari destination, part river voyage. When it comes to packing for your stay here on the Zambezi, it’s a good idea to remember this, to remember the safari hat as much as the waterproof raincoat (for the Victoria Falls), for instance. Below…

Tailor-Made Tours featuring Royal Chundu

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